Welcome to the winter semester 2021/2022!
Dear students,
Today we would like to inform you about the upcoming winter semester. To our great pleasure, it currently looks like this semester will again be fully attended.
Many of you know the university only from the screen and have never been in a live lecture. All lecturers of the faculty are looking forward to welcoming you again to lectures and seminars in the lecture halls and seminar rooms of our faculty. The many practical courses, which could only take place to a limited extent in the past three semesters due to strict hygiene regulations, are also to be offered in full again.
In the current pandemic situation, this is made possible by consistent adherence to the 3G rule, i.e. only fully vaccinated, recovered or tested students are allowed to participate in the courses. In the latter case, test evidence will be the negative result of a PCR test performed no more than 48 hours ago or a antigen test performed no more than 24 hours ago. Self-tests will not be accepted.
If you have not yet been vaccinated, please use the remaining time before the start of the lecture period to get vaccinated. By doing so, you will not only protect yourself, but also your fellow students and faculty members who are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.
If the pandemic situation worsens significantly during the winter and governmental action limits a semester of full attendance, we will respond in an appropriate manner. One possible scenario would be for us to switch lectures and seminars back to the tried-and-true online formats while maintaining the announced times, and to hold the practical courses in attendance, as we have done for the past three semesters.
Information on hygiene regulations and other COVID-19 specific topics will be continuously updated at www.lmu.de/de/die-lmu/informationen-zum-corona-virus/hinweise-zu-studium-und-lehre/index.html and on the pages of our respective degree programs. The regulations in detail for the winter semester are currently still being worked out by the university management.
We wish you a nice lecture-free time and soon a good start into a successful winter semester 2021/2022.
Angelika Vollmar (Dean),
Philip Tinnefeld (Associate Dean)
Regina de Vivie-Riedle (Dean of Studies)
Franz Paintner (Dean of Studies)