SFB 1309 - Virtual Summer Symposium

Jun 24, 2021

We are looking forward to fascinating talks in the field of DNA/RNA modifcation


3 p.m. - Welcome
Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany

followed by - first lecture

Prof. Dr. Laura Kiessling
MIT Cambridge, USA
"Lectin-Seq: A new tool to monitor microbial populations"

4 p.m. - second lecture
Prof. PhD Samie Jaffrey
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, NY, USA
“Controlling the function and properties of mRNA by chemical modification of nucleotides"

5 p.m. - third lecture
Prof. Dr. Wolf Reik
Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK
"Single cell multi-omics landscape of development and ageing"

Zoom Meeting data

Meeting-ID: 993 6626 4323
Code: 885467

Further Information
