News 2021

A new approach by LMU biochemists could help to significantly improve diagnostic tests based on PCR. The enzymes used are triggered by light pulses.

A team led by LMU chemist Oliver Trapp reports in Nature Communications.

This year, for the 16th time, the Römer Prizes were awarded for outstanding achievements in biochemistry and chemistry.

The latest analysis of publications places fifteen LMU scientists and academics among the most successful in their chosen field.

A team working with LMU researcher Evelyn Ploetz reports in Advanced Materials.

Three groups from the Department of Pharmacy succeed in innovation competition of the Federal Agency for Leap Innovations.

LMU structural biologist Karl-Peter Hopfner reports in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

Panel discussion on "Sustainable Energy Use in Mobility".

Today we would like to inform you about the upcoming winter semester. To our great pleasure, it currently looks like this semester will again be fully attended.

Shutdown of SciFinder and changeover to the new version SciFindern as of 01.10.2021

LMU researchers have shown that degradation products of chlorophyll and heme bind to the cytoskeletal protein actin in cancer cells.

The Boston-based Vallee Foundation has awarded one of its scholarships to Professor Julian Stingele, who is at LMU’s Gene Center. For the next four years, he will have a further 340,000 dollars in research funding at his disposal.

Große Beteiligung an der Umfrage zum Impfstatus der Studierenden unserer Fakultät. Erfreulicherweise werden zu Vorlesungsbeginn knapp 90% von Ihnen bereits den vollständigen Impfschutz besitzen.

Lab practicals enriched with online videos—that is the goal of a group of LMU chemists working with colleagues from Paris, Murcia and Cardiff. Their multilingual project is supported by an ERASMUS program.

Origin of life: What was the recipe for the "Ursuppe" from which life emerged? LMU chemists Thomas Carell and Oliver Trapp, and physicist Dieter Braun, discuss the early steps in the evolution of life some four billion years ago.

This year, Hans Konrad Leipelt, who was born on July 18, 1921, would have turned one hundred years old. The Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München would like to honor its former chemistry student, especially for his courage.

We are looking forward to fascinating talks in the field of DNA/RNA modifcation

Panel discussion on "Future Visions for a Sustainable Energy System".

Lena Daumann has been awarded the Chemical Industry Fund’s Dozentenpreis

Silica nanoparticles developed by a team from the University of Geneva and Ludwig-Maximilians Universität have significantly increased the effectiveness and precision of immunotherapies.

Scientists from LMU have unlocked the full potential of graphene – a single atom thick material – for fluorescence microscopy. Beside applications such as biological assays the study shows a microscopy resolution world record of 3 nanometer. This result might turn graphene into the new standard platform for state-of-the art microscopy.

Panel discussion on "The Potential of Sustainable Energy Production".

LMU pharmacologist Elvir Becirovic receives funding from the Volkswagen Foundation's "EXPERIMENT!" initiative for a project on epigenetics.

In the nationwide future cluster competition, a jury of experts recommended 15 proposals for funding a conception phase from a total of 117 competition entries.
The future cluster CNATM (Cluster for Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Munich) of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the LMU is among these 15 finalists.

The question of efficient and sustainable energy storage is more virulent than ever before. Environmentally conscious economic and climate policy relies on this new research into energy storage. It is precisely these research questions that are being advanced at the Excellence Cluster e-conversion supported by LMU and TUM. The lecture series aims to present the potential of current energy research to a wider public audience and to discuss its political relevance.

In a small solemn ceremony on April 23, the Herbert Marcinek Prizes, a Lesmüller Prize, the Daiichi Sankyo Master Prize and the AbbVie Promotion Prizes for 2020 were awarded.

Veit Hornung has received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council for the study of pivotal components of the innate immune system.

Tightly wound nanomolecules respond to external forces faster than classical springs. They can be readily extended and rapidly return to their original form.

Smart glass can change its color through electricity. A new material developed by an e-conversion team has now set a speed record for such a color change.

Organic semiconductors such as those in OLEDs would be more efficient if parts of the energy did not disappear secretly into the material. A team from the e-conversion cluster has successfully followed the trail – equipped with an elegant method that counts the excited electrons and discloses how they vanish.

LMU researchers show that the light emitted by a single molecule can be detected with a low-cost optical setup. Their prototype could facilitate medical diagnostics.

Institute for Chemical Epigenetics Munich ICEM is arousing interest in Prime Time News even before its completion.

How do you repair the world's smallest machines? The best way is to let them do it on their own. Many nano-machines are made of artificial DNA building blocks, and a group from the e-conversion cluster has now shown that this material can replace its own defective parts by itself.

LMU researchers simplify the MINFLUX microscope and have succeeded in differentiating molecules that are extremely close together and tracking their dynamics.