Price of Good Teaching: Three prize winners are LMU members

Nov 17, 2016

Professor Christian Ochsenfeld from the Department of Chemistry of the LMU, Dr. Daniela Kugelmann from the Anatomical Institute of the Medical Faculty as well as PD Dr. Felix Schönbrodt from the Faculty for Psychology and Educational Theory were honored with the Price of Good Teaching at universities of Bavaria. Science Minister Ludwig Spaenle awarded the prizes of all Bavarian universities on November, 16, 2016 in the Senate Hall of the LMU.

Dr. Daniela Kugelmann
Dr. Daniela Kugelmann is a research assistant at the chair I Anatomy - Vegetative Anatomy by Professor Jens Waschke. Kugelmann is in the top position in regular student apprenticeship examinations of the past three years.
In the context of the award, she has successfully committed herself beyond her basic teaching to the development and establishment of new teaching methods and courses. In addition, she has conceived, organized and carried out the training of student tutors at the Department of Vegetative Anatomy. Here, she has continued to qualify, for example, with numerous work units of the "Certificate of Higher Education in Bavarian Universities", including taking part in the LMU's TutorPlus program.
Daniela Kugelmann is an exceptionally motivated and motivated, exceptionally resilient and successful lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, says the reasoning.


Professor Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld is Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at LMU's Department of Chemistry. Already at the beginning of his activities at the LMU in 2010, he was interested in building a challenging and extensive curriculum in his field. He, for example, redesigned lectures of Theoretical Chemistry, where a sensible combination of new and already existing lectures, exercises, and various practical computer courses (computational chemistry) are central to a newly established major subject of Theoretical Chemistry. In doing so, he succeeds with his lectures at the blackboard in guiding students the necessary foundations and to provide comprehensive insights into the subject without, however, overburdening them. In order to increase the contact with students and to be able to better assess their knowledge, Professor Ochsenfeld often focuses on oral examinations, which is perceived as very constructive and helpful by the students.
He not only encourages students to give constructive feedback to the curriculum, but he is of course also available for questions and helps in case of problems.
In addition, Christian Ochsenfeld acts as a personal tutor for the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Max Weber Foundation.
According to the students, Professor Ochsenfeld manages to "inspire students for the demanding subject of theoretical chemistry through his excellent lectures."


PD Dr. Felix Schönbrodt
Felix Schönbrodt is a Principal Investigator at the Department of Psychological Methodology and Diagnostics of Professor Markus Bühner at the Department of Psychology.
His evaluations showed, according to the reasoning, that he enthusiastically presented students with his committed nature as well as his way of presenting content well. In addition, he has improved the teaching at the Faculty in structural terms. In 2015, he developed an empirical internship on the subject of "Research Transparency and Open Science", in which the students perform the complete process of transparent research, from preregistration to reproducible data analysis scripts up to open research Data and open material.
In the years 2014 to 2016 he also funded funding to revise the seminar "Scientific work". In the project, a core curriculum was developed and optimized films, exercises and working materials were provided. The project ensures comparable content and standards for the students in the different parallel courses; At the same time the lecturers are supported and do not have to develop the material themselves.

The prize winners are nominated by their home university and receive a prize money of 5,000 euros each. The nomination is also influenced by the students' vote. The lecturers are distinguished by their above-average commitment to the teaching as well as to the interests of the students. They work with innovative teaching concepts that particularly support students in learning and contribute to a comprehensible, exciting teaching of complex teaching contents.