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Method Development

Propagating the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) enables us to investigate ultrafast molecular processes including the interaction with laser fields while fully accounting for the quantum nature of both electrons and nuclei.

Quantum Dynamics in Reactive Coordinates

Solving the TDSE for chemically relevant systems is challenging because the computational effort scales exponentially with the number of nuclear coordinates (curse of dimensionality). In practice, this requires careful selection of few, typically 2-3, internal coordinates, which contribute most to the chemical or physical process of interest (e.g. elongation of chemical bonds). To achieve this goal, we develop workflows and tools to perform grid-based wave packet dynamics in reactive coordinates.

Key Publications

Multiscale Quantum Dynamics in Complex Environments

Further increasing the complexity, molecular processes usually take place in solvents or other environments, which can influence the dynamics through steric and electronic interactions. We therefore develop multiscale methods to couple this environmental influence to the dynamics of the target system.

Key Publications

  • J. P. P. Zauleck, M. T. Peschel, F. Rott, S. Thallmair, and R. de Vivie-Riedle
    Ultrafast Reactive Quantum Dynamics Coupled to Classical Solvent Dynamics Using an Ehrenfest Approach
    J. Phys. Chem. A 122 (2018), 2849-2857.
  • S. Thallmair, J. P. P. Zauleck, and R. de Vivie-Riedle
    Quantum dynamics in an explicit solvent environment:
    A photochemical bond cleavage treated with a combined QD/MD approach

    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11 (2015), 1987-1995.

Coupled Nuclear and Electron Dynamics

Fully modelling the effects of a laser pulse at sub-femtosecond resolution requires propagating not only a nuclear wave packet on a potential energy surface but also including the motion of the electrons. To achieve this goal, we develop and apply the NEMol ansatz, enabling us to study the temporal evolution of electron density coupled to the nuclear quantum dynamics. This allows us to simulate the control of both electronic and nuclear motion with the help of tailored laser fields.

Key Publications

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