Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy

Curriculum Vitae


1983 Diploma (Dipl.Ing.) in Chemistry/Biochemistry; Technical University of Vienna
1985 Ph. D. (Dr. tech.) in Organic Chemistry; Technical University of Vienna
1994 Habilitation (Doz.) in Biochemistry; University of Vienna, Medical Faculty

Research and Professional Experience

1985-1987 Postdoc and Scientist at the Federal School of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland; working on sugar phosphates and origin-of-life chemistry (prebiotic formation of nucleic acid precursors).
1988-1995 Group leader, Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria; working on receptor-mediated gene delivery, artificial virus-like gene transfer systems.
1996 Professor Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
1992-2001 Director Cancer Vaccines & Gene Therapy, Boehringer Ingelheim Austria; research, development and production of gene-modified cancer vaccines (clinical trials in Austria and Germany started in 1994 and 1998).
1995-2002 Group leader, at the Institute of Biochemistry, Vienna University Biocenter; working on synthetic virus-like gene transfer systems.
Since 2001 Full Professor (C4) for Pharmaceutical Biology - Biotechnology, LMU Munich, Germany.
Since 2005 Member of Munich Center of Nanoscience (CeNS)
2006-2008 Director, Department of Pharmacy
2007-2010 Coordinator of Area "Programmed Drug Delivery" within the DFG Excellence Cluster “Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)”
2010-2019 Area Coordinator of “Biomedical Nanotechnologies” and Executive Board Member of “Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)”
2012-2013 Visiting Professor (Senior Scholar) Fudan University, Shanghai
2016-2018 Deputy Director, Department of Pharmacy
2018-2020 Director, Department of Pharmacy

≥ 511 publications, ≥ 20 patents, ≥ 315 international lectures, > 51 944 citations on GS, h-index 113

Committee Memberships

1995-2003 Scientific panel for Gene Therapy and Gene Analysis of the Austrian Federal commission for Gene Technology
1996-2003 DECHEMA Arbeitsgruppe Medizinische Biotechnologie
1997-2000 Gene Therapy Committee, American Society for Gene Therapy
1998-2001 European Gene Therapy Working group EFPIA
2001-2002 European Society for Gene Therapy, Committee nonviral vectors
Since 2004 Member of EUFEPS Committee for Academic Research
Since 2005 Member of Center of Nanoscience (CeNS, Munich)
2007-2010 Nonviral Vector Committee, ASGT, American Society for Gene Therapy
Since 2007 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gentherapie (DG-GT), Beirat, physicochemical vectors
Since 2010 European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy, Committee nonviral vectors
2012-2016 Physical Gene & Cell Therapy and Vectorology Committee, ASGCT
2015-2016 Chair of Physical Gene & Cell Therapy and Vectorology Committee, ASGCT (now: Physical Delivery Therapeutics & Vector Development Committee)
2014-2017 Chemical Gene & Cell Therapy Committee, ASGCT (now: Nanoagents & Synthetic Formulations Committee)
Since 2018 European Academy of Sciences (EurASc), Officer, Devision Medicine and Life Sciences
2022-2025 Nonviral Therapeutic Delivery Committee, ASGCT