Patrick Jüstel
M. Sc., Dr. rer. nat.

2016 - 2021

AK Prof. Mayr/Dr. Ofial 
Dept. Chemie 
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 
Butenandtstr. 5-13 (Haus F) 
81377 München 

Reactivities of heteroatomic nucleophiles towards carbon electrophiles
DOI: 10.5282/edoc.28690
Inherent Reactivity of Spiro-Activated Electrophilic Cyclopropanes
P. M. Jüstel, A. Stan, C. D. Pignot, A. R. Ofial, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 15928-15935.
Cover Feature: Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 15824.
Dynamics of the Dimethyl Sulfide Exchange of (1,3-Diphenylallyl)dimethylsulfonium Ions
P. M. Jüstel, P. Rovó, H. Mayr, A. R. Ofial, J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2022, 35, e4270. (accepted 18-July-2021)
Nucleophilicities and Nucleofugalities of Thio- and Selenoethers
B. Maji, X.-H. Duan, P. M. Jüstel, P. A. Byrne, A. R. Ofial, H. Mayr, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 11367-11376.
Nucleophilic Reactivities of Thiophenolates
P. M. Jüstel, C. D. Pignot, A. R. Ofial, J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 5965-5972.