Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Is this degree programme the right choice for me?
You should have a keen interest and curiosity for scientific issues and enjoy experimenting. Solid basic knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics is very helpful when starting the programme. You should also have a good level of German and English language skills (the language of instruction is predominantly German). The ability to think analytically and work in a team as well as the willingness to tackle scientific problems constructively and with commitment are prerequisites for a successful study. In addition to graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences, good graduates from related subjects (e.g. biochemistry, molecular medicine, pharmacy) can also be admitted to the Master's degree programme.
Innovative study programme for research and development
Pharmaceutical Sciences is an innovative degree programme in the field of life sciences with a focus on modern pharmaceutical research, the only one of its kind in Germany to be offered at LMU Munich. In an excellent scientific environment, the Bachelor's/Master's programme prepares students in a unique way for research and development positions in the pharmaceutical industry or at scientific institutions. The future-oriented study programme impresses with its current research relevance, interdisciplinary courses at the interfaces of modern drug development and the involvement of experts from pharmaceutical practice.
Structure of the study programme
The consecutive Bachelor's/Master's programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences offers you a research-oriented course of study that covers all the important fields of modern pharmaceutical research.
Special features of the programme are
The Bachelor's degree programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences is subject to local admission restrictions. Admission for first-year students in the first semester is only possible for the respective winter semester. Applications are made via the online portal of the Office of the University Registrar. The application deadline is 15 July for the following winter semester (cut-off deadline).
Cross-entry: If you would like to enter the Bachelor's degree programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences in a higher subject-related semester, you will need a so-called "Semesteranrechnungsbescheid", in which the credits you have earned in another degree programme are converted into subject-related semesters. This is issued by the Dean of Studies of the Department of Pharmacy. Admission is possible for the summer and winter semesters. Applications are made via the online portal of the Office of the University Registrar. The application deadline for the winter semester is 15 July (cut-off deadline), and for the summer semester 15 January (cut-off deadline) of each year.
Die Anerkennung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen nach einem Wechsel des Studiengangs und/oder der Universität erfolgt gemäß § 27 der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung (s. unten) für den Bachelorstudiengang Pharmaceutical Sciences der LMU München vom 18. März 2016.
Für die Anerkennung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen füllen Sie bitte den Antrag auf Anerkennung erbrachter Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen (Bachelor) (PDF, 251 KB) aus und reichen ihn zusammen mit folgen Unterlagen bei der Vorsitzenden bzw. dem Vorsitzenden des Prüfungsausschusses für den Bachelorstudiengang Pharmaceutical Sciences (s.u.) ein:
Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses für den Bachelorstudiengang Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Prof. Dr. Franz Paintner
Department für Pharmazie
Butenandtstr. 5-13 (Haus B)
81377 München
Hinweis: In der ersten Woche der Vorlesungszeit findet in jedem Wintersemester eine Informationsveranstaltung zur Anerkennung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen statt. Beachten Sie bitte die entsprechende Ankündigung.
Curriculum BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences (PDF, 52 KB)
Modulhandbuch BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences (PDF, 620 KB) (PDF, 620 KB), in german language
Handbook of Modules in english language can be found here (PDF, 636 KB).
Die Rahmenbedingungen für die abzulegenden Prüfungen dieses Studiengangs werden durch die offizielle Prüfungsordnung festgelegt. Aktuell ist folgende Prüfungs- und Studienordnungen des Bachelor-Studiengangs "Pharmaceutical Sciences" gültig.
If no dates for the corresponding module are listed in the examination calendar, please contact the study programme
The academic graduation ceremony 2024 will take place on 12 July 2024 from 3 pm. You can find more information here (PDF, 261 KB).
Summer semester (SoSe) 2024: The lecture period starts on 15.04.2024 and lasts until 19.07.2024
For the courses in the summer semester 2024, the following registration requirements apply LSF:
1st registration deadline: for courses from the 2nd semester onwards, the registration deadline ends on 01.04.2024
To avoid incorrect registrations or in case of uncertainties, please contact the study coordinator
General information and documents
Study programme coordinator
Dr. Tanja Mahnecke
Butenandtstr. 5-13, 81377 München
Haus C, Raum C0.061
Tel. +49 (0)89 2180 77796
Consultation hours during the lecture period: Tue 12:00-14:00 and by appointment Consultation hours during the lecture-free period: by appointment
Student and Examination Office
Ayse Ergönenc, Jutta Schmid
Butenandtstr. 5-13, 81377 München
Haus C, Raum C0.007
Tel.: +49 (0)89 2180 77205
Fax: +49 (0)89 2180 77994
Opening hours:
Mon 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
Tue 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr
Wed 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
Thu 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
Fri closed
Study counselling
Content-related and specific questions about the study programme, course structure, timetable and subject specialisations.
Prof. Dr. Franz Paintner
Butenandtstr. 5-13, 81377 München
Haus B, Raum B4.093
Tel. +49 (0)89/2180-77198
Office hours during the lecture period: Thu 11:30-13:30 and by appointment
During the lecture-free period: by appointment
Note: Please understand that extensive and/or complex enquiries cannot be answered by email due to time constraints. In this case, please visit my office hours or use my telephone consultation hours.