For Prospective Students
We are pleased that you are interested in studying at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at LMU Munich! Our faculty offers several possibilities to inform yourself about the study programs and the course of studies.

We are pleased that you are interested in studying at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at LMU Munich! Our faculty offers several possibilities to inform yourself about the study programs and the course of studies.
Further Informationen
More programs and services at the LMU for schools and pupils are listed on the LMU-Website.
Why study at the LMU?
Here you can find a short profile of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
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Why study Chemistry/Biochemistry?
This page provides an overview of the course of study in chemistry/biochemistry to help answer the question of whether it is the right choice for you.
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Why study Pharmacy?
On this page, the differences in the two pharmaceutical degree programs "Pharmaceutical Sciences" and "Pharmacy - State Examination" are highlighted to answer the question which one is the right choice for you.
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Before you can begin your studies in a specific degree program, you must apply or enroll for that degree program.
Please inform yourself about the specific conditions under the corresponding study program.
The academic year is divided into two semesters:
Each semester has a lecture period when most courses take place. The summer-semester lecture period lasts from mid-April to the end of July and in the winter semester from Mid-October until the beginning of February (lecture period may be found here).
Most lab courses, block courses, etc. take place during the lecture-free period, which is sometimes, incorrectly, called "semester break".
Introductory events
In these interactive learning programs you can test your knowledge of chemistry (e.g. stoichiometry) before and during your studies.
Here you can get further information how you can combine your competitive sports and your study program: Partnerhochschule des Spitzensports